First night in Tonga the sky was on fire. The sunsets are beautiful and the stars and moon are so big and bright
Malo e lelei from Tonga!
Well I guess that means I made it! It is the most Beautiful place. We got here around 4 on Tuesday and hung out with the Mission President. He is a really cool guy. We then got to stay with each other one more time in a pretty nice house. The next morning we went to the mission home and had breakfast with the President and then went to our orientation. It felt like it took forever. I got my companion his name is Elder Fiefia (happy) and he is from Salt Lake City. He only has 6 months left. People keep telling me he is the best trainer and I already love him. Some of the missionaries got sent to Vava'u and are suppose to leave today. So Elder Tu'akalau and Elder Uasila'a from the MTC are staying with us. It's been real nice they make me laugh and made it more comforting. The weather is really humid and hot! Sorta windy. It's almost summer here and i asked what the difference was between summer and spring and he said summer is hotter with no wind... THAT BLOWS!!! haha. But that does mean the mango's and pineapple's are coming! Can't wait for that!
Well the work here is really great. My 1st full day with Elder Fiefia we taught a girl named Anna. Her daughter is baptized and is super strong in the church. She is a huge example to Anna. Anna wants to take the lessons so we are teaching her. It was really cool to test out my Tongan in Tonga. It went really well! She is a sweetheart and committed to reading the Book of Mormon. We are teaching her again on Friday. We have also been visiting with a man named Stan. He was born in Tonga and moved to the U.S. when he was young. He lived in Texas and loved it. But he is a gang banger... He has the craziest stories. Him and his friends would rob people at gun point just for fun. He was CRAZY! He said he thought he was like sacrifice. So the reason he is back in Tonga is he got in a gun fight with some people and cops surrounded them and said "put down your gun" and he started shooting at them. So the cops shot back and hit him in the chest 3 times. One hit his heart and he should be dead. They took him to the hospital he had surgery on his heart and they thought he was dead but he opened his eyes. He was in the hospital for awhile and then taken straight to jail. Once he got out of jail he got deported. But he totally changed his life around he stopped smoking and only drinks sometimes. He believes everything about the church but isn't sure about the Book of Mormon. We keep telling him to read it and he just has a hard time starting. He is such a good guy though. Oh and he speaks English THANK YOU!!! And Netasha she is Indian from Fiji. She has already committed to Baptism and is going to be baptized on the 11th. She is 18 and is so cool! Her dad has noticed a change in her and started reading the Book of Mormon too. Every time we see a member they give us a referral. It's amazing. They help so much, I love the people already!
And now the food. My first meal was not to great but all the rest have been amazing! For breakfast we usually have canned spaghetti and corned beef mixed together and a half a loaf of bread. IT"S NASTY!!! But i am getting used to it now. Go try it haha it's no good. Oh and its cold. If it was heated it would be the bomb! But other than that people bring us fafanga which is food twice a day. In the morning and at night. The ones at night are usually good. It'll take some getting used to. But I'm ready for it. Oh and the soda here O ia wei! So Good. I love the Pineapple Fanta! My P-day is Monday so Sunday for you.
Oh I almost got to baptize a little boy named Foeti. But they changed the baptism to 4 and we thought it was at 5 so someone else did it ... :( Send everyone my love! I miss everyone so much! Be safe- I love you.
This is me doing my laundry... That's where I live, it's tiny.. but I like it |
They have some paved roads mostly just the main ones the rest are all dirt |