
Elder Swan is serving in the Tonga Nuku'alofa Mission from July 2013 to July 2015

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

With faith comes blessings 2/9/2014

So this week was a little better! We work hard everyday but things are kinda slow! It's hard because a lot of people here are loto fefeka (hard hearted)! But we still try. We actually had a cool experience this week. We went to our Fafanga and afterwards we were walking and my comp said he needed something at the house then all of a sudden decided he didn't. Then we walked a little ways and my comp goes lets go this way, a way we have never been. Then I said hey lets stop here and see where we should go. So we stopped and all of a sudden a Palangi guy stands up in his little shop and started talking to us. We talked for a good hour and a half and shared a few messages and he invited us over again on Sunday to have pie and talk. So yesterday we talked to him again and he likes his religious ways but agrees with a lot of the principles we teach. The Spirit literally guided us to him! It was really cool! He is from Melbourne Australia! Another really cool event. We went to this ladies house. Her name is Kelese. As we were talking to her we found out her knee is really bad and she hasn't been able to walk for a year! As we were talking I felt an impression to promise her a blessing so I began to think of a way to say it in my head and as I was doing so my comp promised her exactly what I was trying to say. The Spirit is working with us and that makes us excited! That sad part is is that she doesn't want to listen. She believes the B.O.M but Is happy in her Church.. That just goes to show how loto fefeka they really are! Kinda sad! But I know that nobody has faith like me! just kidding, but With Faith comes blessings. I know I'm helping people even though I can't really see it. And the coolest part is I'm seeing these crazy changes in me. I love studying, I love people, I am nice to everyone. My heart breaks when people try and tell us we are wrong and when people don't want to listen.. It's the hardest thing in the world, but we were all blessed with Agency. God is preparing people for us and we will find those ready and willing to live this Gospel! Mom, I've been reading :The Infinite Atonement!" It's amazing! You should read it. Or buy it. That goes for all of you who read this :) But I love you all! This week we are hoping to get a few new investigators and a baptism! 
Ofa lahi atu!
Elder Swan                                                                                          

A lady made me this bag.... It is super cool!!!!

Some super good looking Tongan Twins made us this cake
We found an avocado and made Guacamole
What better thing to dip in it than Flamin' Hot Cheetos!
Thanks for the Cheetos mom, send more!!!

I'm gonna rock this tie~   (Thanks Tara)


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