So things this week went okay! We got a new investigator named Helene and have taught her lesson one and three and half of two. She is 17 years old! She is kind of shy but can also be a jokester! I invited her to be baptized and she said yes and so we set a day for next Saturday! I'm super happy to have finally gotten another investigator that progresses! As for Amanaki we ran into him the other day and he told us a story that I just wrote in a letter to you so I won't go into it now. But his dad still says no so I put a lesson together about being obedient to God. Yes, its important to be obedient to our parents, but when their rules interfere with Gods then we must choose God. I am going to share Matt 10:37, 2Ne 9:23, 1Ne 3:7, and Mosiah 23:21-22. And obviously explain them. I feel like his faith is strong enough that he will accept it. But if not I will support him and love him and try to help him in any way I possibly can. He is my brother.
So my comp and I are getting along pretty well! We talk a lot and have a good time together! The two Elders in Houma got sent back to Tonga leaving Houma with no missionaries! I feel so bad for Houma! When I left that place we had 2 or 3 people that would have been baptized... Not anymore... But I guess everything happens for a reason!
Man, it breaks my heart missing Riley play! I miss football so bad! But I miss Tanner even more! He always made me laugh! I can't believe the change at home with him! Hahaha!
Pres.... Never came out and I don't think he is... I do know however that he asked Elder King who has been in Vava'u the longest and King said me. So maybe I'll leave soon! This Transfer ends in December! It's an 8 week one... but there is a little tiny transfer this next week! So who knows!
Well, that's about it for this week!
I love you all too much!
P.S. I totally forgot about Halloween until Harmon text me at 10 O'clock on Halloween... Hahaha
Ofa atu,
Elder Swan
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